Church-wide Couple Checkup
What if you were able to identify the relational strengths and needs of the marriages in your church?
What if you could be certain the curriculum or program you were planning for your couples was what they truly needed?
What if you could motivate struggling couples to take action and begin improving their marriage?
Now you can with the Church-wide Couple Checkup!
Click here to Share the Couple Checkup with a Group
The Church-wide Couple Checkup Process
- Every couple in your church (married, engaged, or dating) is encouraged to take the Couple Checkup and receive a personalized Couple Report and comprehensive Discussion Guide filled with relationship-strengthening knowledge and skills.
- As a church leader, you can access free Group Summary Reports (over 20 pages) highlighting the relational strengths and growth areas of your couples - helping you select the best curriculum or approach to meet your congregation's unique needs.
"Our Church-wide Couple Checkup not only allowed us to evaluate the general health
of the marriages of our church family but it also helped us as a staff to target ministry
and biblical teaching toward the specific growth area needs of our couples. Throughout
this year, we have seen more couples investing in and strengthening their marriage
relationships on a more consistent basis. We are excited about what God continues
to do to heal and strengthen marriages in our church as a result of using this wonderful tool."
- Dr. Glynn Stone Jr.
Senior Pastor
Mobberly Baptist Church, TX
Church-wide Couple Checkup Considerations
Consider pairing your Church-wide Couple Checkup campaign with a strategic holiday such as Valentine's or Mother's Day.
You can also use it as a strategic way to kick-off a class or sermon series.
Set the timeline for your Church-wide Couple Checkup campaign by selecting a start date and end date encompassing a 2-4 week timeframe.
What are others saying?
More than 75 churches, representing a whole range of sizes, denominations and church traditions,
have conducted a Church-wide Checkup over the last two years. Below are some comments and feedback from just a few:
"Our entire church took the Couple Checkup almost two years ago. Our couples had good
conversations among themselves and then shared the results with their small groups.
We are still hearing stories about the growth that happened in marriages and small groups."
- John McGee
Director of Marriage Ministries
Watermark Church, Dallas, TX
"We did a church-wide Checkup as part of our Valentine's Day marriage emphasis.
Encouraging our couples to take the online Checkup combined with a weekend emphasis
(sermon and special seminar) brought practical, life-changing impact to our church families.
This is a simple, but powerful marriage-centered strategy."
- Ron L. Deal
Family Ministry Consultant
"Christ Fellowship Church conducted a Church-wide Checkup in 2009. The outcome
was so powerful for our couples, we repeated the effort in a community-wide
outreach in 2010. We reached thousands of couples and the impact is still being
felt around our community. I'm a firm believer in churches using the Couple Checkup
to assess, mentor, and motivate growth in all of their couples."
- Tim Popadic
Pastor of Family and Marriage
Christ Fellowship Church
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
"The Couples Checkup results have been fascinating and have opened my eyes about regular
marriage enrichment activities, classes and small group offerings in the future. Thank
you for all you work in this area. I use PREPARE with engaged couples, but my married
couples have been appreciative and glad to get the information and realized that it
isn't just about the wedding."
- Jane Dibbern
Family Life Ministries
Woodbury Lutheran Church, MN
"As pastors and staff members dealing with relationships we need tools. Couple Checkup
is not only a tool; it is the perfect tool for us as we mentor couples. The accuracy
of results helps us scratch past the surface and identify what the underlying issues
may be in hurting relationships as well as the strengths a couple can use to see positive,
life-giving growth. Perhaps the most invaluable aspect of the Checkup is that we aren't simply
reading about marriage stats from across the country, we are looking directly at our church's
marriages. This makes all the difference as we teach our couples a biblical foundation of marriage."
- Robert Conn
Associate Pastor
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
Tyler, TX
"The Couple Checkup has been invaluable in assisting my team as we serve couples at
various stages in their relationship. Our workshops held in partnership with Church-wide
Checkups have proven to be very effective for the couples who attend, primarily because
we had the information to customize our content to meet the specific needs of the group."
- Jason Greene
Project Director
Twogether in Texas
Region 4
Contact Us if you would like to discuss your options and get started!